Taj Palace expresses
The posh Taj Palace Hotel is a safe place to stay in New Delhi. Most of the guests are Indian Army Man. According to an agreement signed between the Indian Army, the Taj Hotel and middle and senior officers of the Indian Army are given rooms for very low rates. Generals can rent rooms in the Taj Palace for Rs. 5,000 per night. Brigadiers and Colonels can share a room with two other officers at Rs 4,000 per day. The government pays the daily allowance, or DA (in official language), to these officers who are temporarily assigned in Delhi. All army officers have been informed by the Additional Director General Administration and Coordination Army that this agreement will be in effect from 15 August 2009. The Taj Palace Hotel offers army officers a buffet breakfast and tea/coffee facilities within their rooms. They also have access to its fitness center, pool, jacuzzi, and swimming pool. To sweeten the deal, uniforms can be ironed free of charge.
This price slab was introduced to show gratitude for the soldiers who serve the nation. Taj Hotels has the right to set the price of their rooms. "It also has the right to charge different rates for different segments," Sanjukta Roy told Business Standard.
Hotel rack rates or cards are around $350 per night (roughly Rs. 17,500). The rack rate is around $350 (roughly Rs.
This arrangement does not include the Air Force or Navy.
The Taj Palace Hotel is a great place to stay for officers who are temporarily on duty. It's hard to find army mess rooms in New Delhi. The Taj Group will also benefit from the increased occupancy of the rooms, as dozens and dozens officers are on temporary duty. Army officials stated that the Taj Hotel was chosen after the Sixth Pay Commission raised the allowances for the accommodation of visiting officers, which brought it in line with market prices for high-quality hotels. When available, rooms in army mess are fully equipped, well-staffed and include food. However, it's almost impossible to find accommodation in Delhi. The DA before the Sixth Pay Commission was significantly less than the cost of a hotel room. This left visiting officers very little choice. A letter dated September 23, 2008, from the Assistant Director General for Administration and Coordination raised the DA by almost triple. The DA was increased by almost threefold for Lieutenant Colonels (and Colonels), Brigadiers, and Majors. The tie-up between the Taj Hotel and army officers, who are fighting for higher wages and allowances under the Sixth Pay Commission is an attempt to dispel the impression that their status has been steadily reduced. Officers say that the agreement is limited so far to one hotel per city. The officers also claim that the allowances they receive for transportation and food are too low. In New Delhi, the food allowance is only Rs 300 per person/day. It is less in other cities. Read More